Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cosmetic and Weight Loss Surgery - 2384 Words

In society today, people look at beauty as a tall, skinny model or a tan, muscular man. It has brain washed the world to believe that in order to look beautiful, they must look like the images that are seen in the media. Today’s celebrities who are famous for their appearance also encourage the belief that thin is beautiful. These images are all over the media right now and have been for many years. With all of these images that are seen everywhere, a person feels obligated to look just like the people of Hollywood so they turn to cosmetic and/or weight loss surgery. Although cosmetic surgery can improve one’s self-image, it can also have a lot of disadvantages which can lead to many risks, even death. Most people believe that having†¦show more content†¦If someone was to rate themselves on a scale based on their looks from a 1 all the way to a 10, very few people would say they were a perfect 10. Most people are willing to pay thousands of dollars just to move from a rate of 5 to maybe a 7, at the most. Is it really worth it? A study found that the average growth in a person’s looks after having cosmetic surgery was 0.08 on a 1 to 10 scale, which is basically nothing. The cost of a face-lift in 2012 was $6,630, which is a very big investment for most individuals. Fifty people who did not have any knowledge in plastic surgery rated a group of 49 patients who had received some sort of cosmetic surgery on a scale of 1 to 10. Each person saw either a before or after picture of each patient. The individuals also guessed each person’s age. The difference between patients’ age before surgery and after was about 3 years, but there was not a significant change in overall ratings. Which means that people were not any more attractive after having cosmetic surgery. These results could be very discouraging, especially since many people make a huge investment in these surgeries. It seems that the only reason most people undergo these surgeries is because of other individual’s hurtful comments. If that is the case, then there is no need in even getting the surgery. The opinion thatShow MoreRelatedWeight Loss Essay1206 Words   |  5 PagesWe live in a consumer culture where products and services such as diet pills, slimming creams, weight loss products that tone fat without exercise, liposuction and cosmetic surgery, are just a few of the popular methods that are promoted by advertisers to help people in achieving their ideal body image. Advertisements draw attention to a host of ideologies, by offering products and services that attract consumers who oblige their bodies, minds and souls to achieving the ideal appearance of beautyRead MoreCause And Effects Of Cosmetic Surgery1570 Words   |  7 Pagesthe correlation between self-esteem and the elements that lead to cosmetic surgery. 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